
Sunday Jul 29, 2018
Finding the Extraordinary in the Ordinary
Sunday Jul 29, 2018
Sunday Jul 29, 2018
It’s a secret hidden in the open, that when fully here, we can find the extraordinary in the ordinary. Beauty is everywhere. What matters is in every small thing. “He who sees beauty in the smallest of things is better than seeing an angel.” -Meister Eckhart.

Monday Jul 23, 2018
The Gifts of Deepening
Monday Jul 23, 2018
Monday Jul 23, 2018
The depths of life seek us as Deep calls unto deep. The deepest places open us to a spacious awareness that is alive with insight and possibility. Visitations to the Deep makes life both softer and stronger at the same time. The gifts revealed are unlimited and always fresh.

Sunday Jul 15, 2018
This is How
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Life stays possible when we open our hearts and work with what we are given. We do what we can with what we have, loving what’s before us. This is how we mine the gold of each unfolding moment.

Sunday Jul 08, 2018
Everywhere I Turn
Sunday Jul 08, 2018
Sunday Jul 08, 2018
When up close, each thing reveals its shimmer. An unexpected closeness holds everything together. We experience moments that take our breath away. "Where so ere I turn, I see the face of God," coined the sage. STOP! LOOK! AND LISTEN!

Sunday Jun 24, 2018
Letting Go; Transformation and Healing
Sunday Jun 24, 2018
Sunday Jun 24, 2018
When we know the art of how to suffer, we suffer much less. We’re able to make use of the mud of our suffering to grow lotuses of love and understanding. In transforming our suffering we do so for ourselves, our ancestors and descendants.

Sunday Jun 17, 2018
Non-Craving: You Have Enough
Sunday Jun 17, 2018
Sunday Jun 17, 2018
As soon as we realize that in this very moment we already have enough, and we already are enough, true happiness becomes possible. Instead of craving for what we don’t have we are grateful and fulfilled in what we do have.

Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Impermanence: Now is the Time
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible. Contemplating impermanence helps us touch freedom and happiness in the present moment. The Rev. Kim Brown was our special guest speaker. Her heart and soul always inspire and uplift.

Wednesday May 30, 2018
Rest In The Journey
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Wednesday May 30, 2018
When we stop chasing after the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow we begin to experience the aliveness of the journey. The focus then shifts, from the imagined future scene in the movie of our life to the present scene, here and now. Every step reminds us how to live. The walk is everything.

Sunday May 20, 2018
Rest in the Wholeness of Life
Sunday May 20, 2018
Sunday May 20, 2018
Your true Home, your most profound sense of rest is the Beloved. It was always You. That which you have always sought, throughout all your seeking is alive and awake within you. You as Presence has never come and gone. Could we Rest as That?

Sunday May 06, 2018
Rest In Not Knowing
Sunday May 06, 2018
Sunday May 06, 2018
When we fall into “not knowing”, we come out of our conclusions and dreams and move into the most curious dance with life. Life becomes filled with possibilities when we let go of the “known” and step into the mystery of our own emergence.